It makes me happy to even write these words.. The first 2 weeks of the business we hardly sold 3 kgs of pickle but very quickly by the end of the first month we sold about 28 kgs.. The word about our hand ground spices, spicy meat pickles spread quickly around the town. We used to patiently get all the ingredients and take our time peeling, roasting and hand grinding all the spices in an age old Mortar and pestle that was in our house. We then would patiently cook 5 kgs pickle , wait for it to cool down completely , carefully pack all the orders and would go deliver at their door step all by ourselves.
Very soon we were getting organic reviews from TV, Movie, and internet celebrities,It was astonishing to see the reviews and the love. Our orders sky-rocketed and we were cooking minimum of 150 kgs a month. The reviews kept increasing and so did the orders. But due to issues that small business faces we couldn’t keep much profits to ourselves. We were almost spending everything back on shipping, return orders, Samples, etc. etc., For these reasons we could not hire help. We lived in a small 2 bedroom apartment which was overwhelming for all the demand that we were facing. We were in no way equipped to take the demand.
So, we decided to hire help for the pickle making in Feb 2021. We hired about 3 people and the taste just wouldn’t be the same every single time. After struggling for a week or so, we yet again decided to just hire help for cleaning. We Moved our premises got better equipment, got help in cleaning and setting up and I still make the pickle myself to this day!
With the help of our employees we are soo grateful to say that we are very close to completing 3000 kgs of sale. It leaves me both speechless and wanting to scream out of happiness both at the same time. I just cannot believe or Never imagined I could sell 3000 kgs of something that has been created by my own hands. Yes, if ever you ordered from Spicy Chicken Pickle that pickle was made by me. 3000 kgs ….. Oh.. My… God….
Meanwhile, If you never tried our Spicy, Authentic, Meat pickles try our One Meal Jar Combo.