How did we start with 1300 INR and Built a Small Empire for ourselves.


               To be honest, We were not trying to make it this big. We were just trying to sell something we love to stay afloat during the pandemic. Little did we know that we become a small empire helping ourselves and currently providing opportunities to tens of people.

               Many mistake business as some kind of a risk taking adventure or that one needs tremendous knowledge or lakhs of investment to get into business. but, the fact is that business is not a western or a corporate invention. Business has been a part of human life from the early times of human civilization. Barter system is nothing but business. exchanging something you have of value to another valuable item or service is all that business is.
               In the current societal scenario, Having huge infrastructure, wearing suits, having a centralised air conditioning office, having branded cars, phones , dresses, holding meetings in coffee shops, clubs is being pushed as an idea of a successful business person. But it can't be far from the truth. As in these scenarios there is nothing being sold or bought. Just an endless portrayal of riches and ideas. While ideas are the key to any business, they don't run the business. Working and dynamic execution is what makes a business go forward. We at Spicy Chicken Pickle wear T-Shirts & Shorts & work comfortably & Dynamically at problem solving & learning rather than portraying an idea of wearing pressed formals, buying luxury cars, dresses etc., as business.
               This is what we did to build an empire for ourselves. An Empire that makes us abundant, helps people who work with us and provide something of value to the customers. Our Authentic Meat pickles have multiple problem solving characteristics. From helping bachelors, working families, hostelites, People who live away from family get a delicious meal that is ready to be consumed and not unhealthy like other fast food products. In Fact our products are healthier to consume as we use healthy cold pressed oils, fresh handground spices and fresh, tender Meat.
               We sold something we loved and brought value to us and worked on finding the like minded audience who would love the same. This effort has led us to the results we achieved. At this point we have thousands of customers who regularly purchase our products and stock up in their kitchen pantries, it helps them on the lazy and tiring days. A readily available meal that is both tasty, healthy and Rich Flavoured.
                Bringing value to our customers and listening to their reviews makes us very happy and keeps us hungry to go forward on all the difficult days. Even though difficult days are immanent, We go forward to make this business successful and provide opportunities to many while solving a small problem to our customers and give them something of a value.
               We feel proud writing this blog knowing that something we created is loved by thousands of Customers, Chefs and Celebs, thus making our business grow successfully without having to invest tens of lakhs.
Thanks for reading our blog. stay tuned for more blogs on our business journey!! xoxo....
- Chef Moneca

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