Why are we the 'Jack of all trades & a master of none'......?


               You all would have heard of the saying 'Jack of all trades is a master of none' but do you know this is not a complete saying. Indeed it goes like ' Jack of all trades is a master of none but, often better than a master of one'. It was originally meant as a compliment but with time it got shortened and also used as a criticism. Contrarily, Neither is a bad one. It simply means one is a generalist and the other a specialist. both were equally needed in human evolution.

               All our lives, We had been hard on ourselves for being a Jack of all trades and a master of none. Not just me, but many I know are indeed Jacks lol.. Knows a useful amount of knowledge in everything they need. It took 30 years for us to realize that there is nothing wrong in knowing a useful bit of knowledge. Because, Knowledge is Knowledge. It is important either way. While a specialist dedicates a big chunk of their life to specialise on a particular subject and gets through to the particular solution, A generalist dedicates a small amount of time going from one solution to the next in a totally different department.
                From starting Spicy Chicken Pickle alone to providing employment to Tens of people, Being a Jack of all trades is the one characteristic that got us here. Since there are a 100 departments easily to run a business with the pace of growth we had, there was no way to grow if we just had the best recipe or if we were just good at marketing. It needed a little bit of hundred different skills.
                From Bargaining with the dealers, finding the dealers, website, packaging, editing, finding delivery services, taxation, banking, hiring, firing, funding, funds allocation, content creation, marketing, retail, closing the deals, excel, tally, resignations, profit calculation, company valuations, shares, investments, recipe, managing high and low sales, and dozens of different departments that are hard to mention in just one blog.
                We needed to know a little bit of everything to get to where we are. While we still acknowledge the power of a specialist, We also know they come at an expense and not a small one. How can a small business get to the best specialists without a huge investment?. In our observation this is one of the main reason why many small businesses stay small for a lifetime.
               If family, school, college, society had fed into us that knowing a little bit of everything is not gonna get us anywhere, how would we believe in all the knowledge we picked up on the way. But, all those bits of knowledge is what got us here from being mediocre employees to hiring Tens of happy employees.
               Some of the bits of knowledge came from seeing our moms bargaining with the street vendors, while some came from being a 90's kid trying to download pirated songs and movies and wandering on Internet explorer lol, some from our dads worrying about taxes,some from movies and TV, some from google, some from school and colleges and some more from the experience on the way...
               We learnt every bit of knowledge is as important and valuable as any speciality. While doing what we love and are good at, we become masters of our own life and destiny. Isn't that the goal???
Thanks for reading through our story and everything we learnt in between. Stay tuned for more.... xoxo...

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