How Spicy Chicken Pickles last 9 Months without using any preservatives?


It’s a secret! Or Is it? 

Well, It’s an open secret that been passing down from thousands of years ago. When pickling was invented thousands of years ago its sole purpose was to preserve food. There were no refrigerators or coolers back in the time. People preserved food with various techniques like salt, vinegar brines, Oil, water sealing, etc., While many countries have their own style of preserving or pickling food, We South Indians had our own method of pickling using spices, oils, ceramic jars, etc., In its authentic form South Indian pickles are rich in flavour, oils & they preserve for a long time without using any artificial preservatives. The secret always was in the quality & cleanliness of the ingredients & careful procedure. 
We at Spicy Chicken Pickle have just taken our lessons from our ancestors. We use the most fresh & clean ingredients. The combination of the cold pressed oils we use are one of the main reasons behind the longevity of our pickles. We also acquire fresh spices & after thoroughly cleaning & drying our spices we hand grind them in a mortar & pestle which gives the perfect texture to our spices. Along with this we only se fresh tender meat in all our pickles. One might wonder how these ingredients & the procedure helps our pickles stay fresh for 9 long months. Let me explain the science behind it. 
  • Cold pressed oils unlike refined oils have not gone through hydrogenation process, making them chemical free. When heated refined oils loose their taste & quality even further while cold pressed oils on the other hand do not loose their taste or quality. This impacts the quality & the taste of the pickle to almost 60%. 
  • We acquire A grade spices & clean them thoroughly to get rid of all the bacteria, chemicals or dust that they might have on them. While refines or store bought spices are processed in bulk by manufacturing companies that won’t go through the cleaning process for quick & mass production of these spices. Another major difference is the grinding process. When spices are ground in mortar & pestle they are crushed under the stone until we acquire the desired consistency. While refined or store bough spices are ground in a machine mixer where rather than crushing the spices the machine cuts them which releases a ton of water from the spices loosing all the flavours. 
  • Freshly butchered meat is far away from frozen meat. Fresh meat has a particular flavour & composition to it while frozen meat has a lot of water content making the meat hollow from the inside. Frozen meat does not have even 20% of the taste & flavours of the fresh meat. 
  • The pickling process is the most crucial. From utensils, equipment, surrounding, to chefs everything has to be a 100% dry. No moisture should be around. Even a bit of moisture or humidity will spoil the pickles shelf life. Our head chef is a perfectionist when it comes to pickle & the process. 
99% of businesses are not very particular of these conditions. Maintaining a process like this will definitely cost higher but, to expand their profits they ignore all these steps and use unhealthy oils, frozen meat & refined spices. Easily 40-50% of the profits can be increased by using low quality ingredients & procedure. Every business is trying to make profits at all times that’s the unspoken truth of the business world. But, We maintain such high quality in our pickles because we want to increase our profits in a long term by giving our customers something of value, something that they can come back to.
This is one of the main reasons why we have 70% of customers willingly coming to us to leave a review. We also have 53% repeated customers who purchase from us on a monthly basis for their family, friends, etc., We are very grateful for each & every customer who made a purchase from us giving us a chance to grow our business & help provide job opportunities to more people in our business. 
Well, Now you know the secret of why our pickles last 9 months without any preservatives or refrigeration. 
‘Live life with a little spice’
Thanks for reading through our blog & stay tuned for more stories about our business journey… xoxo…

 - Chef Moneca

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