How Spicy Chicken Pickle expanded with distribution?


               Sometime after successfully completing a year in business, We were opened to this new idea in business and manufacturing world called Distribution. We were very excited and curious with our new business and were continuously brainstorming and executing our ideas without tiring. We were consuming information from everywhere and applying them as possible.

               In May 2021, We picked a bunch of our Jars and started visiting all local super markets around
Hyderabad ,if they would be interested in placing our products in their shelves. Many rejected us but we still landed our product in 10 super markets like the good salesmen we were.

                We stocked the shelves up and soon we were sold out. As excited as we got, we had a problem at hand to deal with. We had to run these products on credit which was falling very heavy on our pockets at that point. We learnt our lessons and backed off from a few stores.

               While we were busy working on making our product availability easier for customer, we were blessed with hundreds of chefs and celebrities loving and promoting our products. We were showered with calls from all around South India asking for details for reselling our products with their brand names.

               After thorough discussions we did not want our pickles to be rebranded or devalued by other sellers. Ever since we chose 10 distributors around Hyderabad, Kuppam, Anantapur & Bangalore who match our principles of selling our products

with our brand Name that is Spicy Chicken Pickle.

               Our customers are happy to receive our fresh pickles near their homes and our distributors are happy with the valuable profits we share with them. We are happy that we are able to serve you a little better. All this was possible because we believe in growing together, not separately.


“Live life with a little spice"

Call us if you are interested in taking our products for distribution.

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